Lomi-Lomi Nui is a very special massage, much different from any other, especially the most common relaxing ones. So what should you expect from the session?
Sometimes, when we learn about ancient techniques, we build up a list of expectations. This usually takes place when we are in a very important moment of our life or we are in the need of some action, a change. This is totally understandable, this is who we are, however in most cases that attitude can only block any energy flow preventing from experiencing something extraordinary.
That is why I personally recommend not to create any expectations for the massage. In this way you can be sure that you will experience what you really need, both regarding your mind and soul. And even if you think of what may happen, at the beginning of the session you will relax so well that any mind consciousness should go away, letting you follow the flow of the energy.
Try not to build any expectations regarding the massage. Let yourself follow the energy and welcome unexpected!
Everyone experiences this massage in a different, personal way. Everything depends on your body needs, a state of your mind and the moment of your life which you are currently in. There is no precise manual described for experiencing the session since it is you who is going to write it.
Let's embark together on the Lomi-Lomi Nui massage adventure - visit Ponta Delgada in the Azores and book your session!